Name: G.I. Jonesy
Posts: 2441
How many times in the Bible and Qu'Ran do you find mentions of light and darkness? The techniques are always used in the same fashion. They call it shepherding, I call it slavery. It relies on the propagation of ignorance, a.k.a. 'faith' or 'belief'. The faithful are rendered perpetually weak-minded, incapable of developing the strength necessary for freedom. At best, religion is a cheap placebo. Why use a placebo when today we have the real thing? Like Ahab, I will not rest until religion is rotting at the bottom of the sea, where it dutifully belongs.

When darkness comes over you, you feel the fear and pain of billions of years before you, when humans were tortured night after night, barely able to survive the beasts of ancient times. These religions bring those pains back to you, in order to steal your money and command you to kill their opponents. And who are their opponents, who you ruthlessly destroy, falsely believing your actions are anointed by God? Are they evil? Do they deserve the death you bring them? No... not evil. More like, they discovered a Priest was raping a child, and had to be silenced to ensure the church could not be discredited.

And what good are religions? The placebo of the masses? Any good that religions do can be better done by something else. Religions... using your survival instincts to 'shepherd' you. They deceive you, lie to you, make you live in a fantasy world. Your whole life is gone before you know it exists. That is religion, it makes you kill and torture the innocent, all for money and power. Real sheep do not kill. Send out your slaves, to tear apart women and children, to rend flesh by the sword, for that is the will of the Lord. You will be rewarded with an eternity of light and safety, where you can fly around in the white-clouds, far away from the darkness of night and the void of emptiness it encompasses.

As we travel to the moon, we find space is not evil. Bit inhospitable, at most. The darkness, which seems to stretch on forever, is clearly not evil or anything close. In fact, it is full of life. It is life. Here on Earth, many creatures thrive at night, none of which are evil. Mice, owls, and bats are some of the more commonly known. Bats, of course, have no vision. They use sonar. Night is safer for them, the opposite of ourselves. If religion wanted to 'shepherd' bats, they would reverse their night and day poetry.

So how do we destroy this abomination known as religion? A few harpoons will not suffice. What we face is powerful mind-control. Doubt, denial, and delusion are only the beginning. Maybe CTF with only one flag would work? Maybe a full, detailed dissection of how religion controls people? That will not defeat the three D's though. Possibly, something needs to replace religion? Yes, it must be... slaves cannot function alone, not at first.

I will leave you now, to deliberate on a replacement. Something to help transition from slavery to freedom. In the mean-time, be sure you do not fall victim. They seek you when you are weakest. When you have hit 'rock-bottom', or when you are a newborn infant. If any of you become a newborn infant soon, be extra careful. Or at least, be protective of your infants and children. Faith does not make you stronger, knowledge makes you stronger.