This news is dedicated to all the newbies and beginners in Quake Live. Czech Quake is about to hold a Newbie 2 Lama Tournament, it will be the lowest level of our competitions in Quake Live.

ID Software announced that Quake Live will enter its Open Beta on 24th February and everybody will be free to join this game. Right now we would like to invite all players that are afraid to join "big actions" and are not sure about their level. Because no professional and advanced players can play in the tourney, so we might expect some fair games. Second reason is that Hawr1x ran out of opponents, since he is borderline between newbies and lamas and everybody around beats him! We will use this tournament to explain basic tactics and strategies in Quake Live and notice basic mistakes new players are usually doing. The deadline to sign up is set to 28th February and basic groups will start on 1st March!

If you want to participate, feel free to write and email to
Title: N2L - Name "Nick" Surname
Text: Nationality , ICQ , IRC , Interest in TDM & building clan ( YES / NO )

At this point there are two groups, the first is dedicated to Czech Republic Czech and Slovakia Slovakian players. The second should be the Central European Division, but seems to me more like a Poland Polish Divison. Here is the players list. If you think there should also be Nordic, Western, Eastern and Southern Divisions and you capable of running this type of competition for your region, let me know!