Name: G.I. Jonesy
Posts: 2441
Ever notice how love is the most commercialized thing in human history? It is closely followed by heaven. People only go to church because they believe doing so will get them to heaven. Churches are rich. People pay good money for a ticket to heaven. People watch romantic comedies for the pleasure, and the decepting possibility things in movies could happen to them. In simple terms, people pay for pleasure, in whatever variety pleasure materializes.

We find three things present in all brain-having creatures: pain, pleasure and fear. I use the words pain and pleasure to mean any type of good or bad feeling. Everything is drawn to pleasure and turned from pain. Fear could mean either drawn to or turned from, but neither will necessarily result in a pleasurable or painful experience. These three devices form the base of all survival instinct and evolutionary change. When the pre-turtle felt pain, it ran but was scarred. Over long periods of time, the scars turned into shell. As the shell grew stronger, the turtle grew slower.

You reject foods you find 'painful', either to the smell or taste. You accept sensations you find pleasurable, regardless of through what sense, emotion, or mental faculty pleasure enters. Deviations from group opinion, for humans, result in a painful experience. Pain leads to fear, which intensifies the feeling of pain. Why is it deviations result in pain? Everything except the base pain/pleasure/fear has developed through evolution. Bats do not have eyesight because they use sonar. Dogs can only see black and white because they predominately use smell. What happened in human history to make us regard deviation as pain? Evidently, you find humans have weak bodies. Before we had tools, we were helpless against any number of vicious nature-beasts. Strength-in-numbers was the only thing sustaining us. When one of our numbers deviated, it endangered whoever remained and exponentially endangered the deviant him or herself.

Let me put things in simpler terms. These three devices are here to ensure life's survival. They start as basic functions, then become more advanced systems. When you put your hand in a fire, it is painful. You then remove your hand, because of the pain. When you have sex, it is pleasurable. This is to ensure survival of the species. Our systems, in some ways, work better than the systems of other species. Many beings will simply rape each other when the time is right. Dogs, for example, will only have sex when the female is in heat. Rape then occurs, which is painful for the female. Our system makes sex pleasurable, which further encourages reproduction (perhaps a bit too much, as overpopulation is becoming a problem).

When you look at what a species finds pleasurable, painful and fearful, you can trace its evolutionary line. You can know what it was like for them, millions of years ago. Evolution is a slow process. You can be sure whatever is here today did not develop overnight. What this means, is you should become familiar with your own instincts. You think they tell you correctly, but in truth, your instincts can be easily manipulated. Religions, politicians and business-people are the most frequent exploiters. Sometimes you fear things, but you do not know why. It is possible you should not fear those things. If you understood why you felt the fear, you may cease its harboring. What was helpful in nature is not necessarily helpful in society.

Next time you experience some kind of painful, pleasurable, or fearful feeling, you may want to determine what is truly causing the response. Is instinct steering correctly, or is it something foolish, left over from nature? If you do not know why you feel the things you feel, it is possible your instincts are misleading you.

Before I go, i'd like to sell some of my new products:

#1. Godzilla Noodles; these Ramen noodles are better than Mothra.

#2. Hardcore Gangster; these candy bars will gank you with gats if you don't eat them (they come complete with trademarked Eazy-E wrappers).

And be sure to visit my new Disneyworld attraction Manatee Insanity, where Manatee's use boat propellers to kill people. You can experience the real thrill of peacefully living your life when suddenly a boat propeller kills you!

And don't listen to Mr. Rogers. His neighborhood is full of crackhouses.