The jury selected the top nine movies for each category of the
Games Mini Video Contest sponsored by Dell and the community portals opened a vote for their designated categories. Everyone can vote for his/her favorite until the 9th March - the winners will be announced the day after. The community's votes will be weighted 50:50 with the jury's votes to determine the contest winners.
Every community Portal will raffle a Dell Mini 9 Notebook among the voters.
The top 9 videos in the
Quake category:
Joint Deviance - by

“Bliccer” M.
Contact - by

“Sinex” C.
Moment - by

“mccormic” K.
Journey - by

“kekskruemel” B.
Quake Lessons - by

“c3llux” B.
The Last Stand - by

“keller” U.
back2oldsql - by

“dKsL” S.
Special - by Andrey
“FlaT” S.
Why so serious? - by

“zeroql” S.
Vote for your favorite Quake movie here (registraton required)
1. Place – 250 Euro + Dell Mini 9
2. Place – 150 Euro
3. Place – 100 Euro
Edited by KekS at 14:11 CST, 1 March 2009 - 33492 Hits
1. back2oldsql
2. Quake Lessons