yea it does make financial sense to base gameplay design on the limitations of a gamepad nowadays, call of duty managed to hide the fact pretty well, disguising it as "realism". that stuff doesn't seem out of place there, other than having to make you into a bobblehead to hide the fact that it indeed is not physically impossible to point a gun and squeeze the trigger while running.
i guess that's why they copied that crap here... looking back, other than different versions of the game for pc and consoles, it was unrealistic to hope otherwise.
oh well, i'll probably still check it out as i liked playing through cod sp, and as a sp game it does seem entertaining.
Looks a lot better in motion I'd say. Quite liking some of the environments. I'm not sure what's up with the stopping and ironsighting and shooting all the time. Does anyone bother to ironsight at 5 meters range? Never seen anyone ever aim through the ironsight of an mp40 or thompson before, they are submachineguns!
Hopefully they'll have objective based assault for the MP, or I'll be sad.
i made a similar remark stating something along the lines of you
something like the stills mean shit and it's worth waiting to see what the graphics are like in motion compared to the stills
i got a reply from the godly 3d designer that is jamerio about the still images being the same as the one used during animation / framed play (NO SHIT SHERLOCK) therefore no difference in the end result or whatever
can't remember his exact words, as usual he made a reply to me and promptly deleted it
anyway, my point was proven I guess, the game looks visual far more impressive than the previous stills but then post/pre production is not uncommon for gameplay videos.
I'd say shopping are more common for screenshots, at least from what I've seen, but sure, videos get some love too.
That indoor caverny hangar area that's showing up here and there looks really nice, as does the house-to-house fight seen from the train. Hope Raven found some more people, so many people hate that place and quit.
Edited by voodoochopstiks at 09:30 CDT, 22 March 2009
Errr.. Apparently I'm alone on this, but I've never played any of the Wolfensteins for the Multiplayer.
You people do realize that there are FPS games out there that aren't specifically intended for multiplayer vs, right?
I'm beginning to think the answer is no.
I bet you all hated Bioshock and Portal, too.
"what are you talking about, RTCW (and by extension ET) is the best team-based MP game on the Q3 engine"
I'm going to have to disagree with you there. I'd have to vote for Quake 3 TDM/CTF/CA being the best team-based MP game on the Q3 engine.
I get your point though, but I tried ET and thought it sucked. I do realize it has quite a following, but the thing is, there are a lot more people like me, that think of Wolf3d, Spear of Destiny, and RTCW single player when we hear the word Wolfenstein, than there are players like you that think of Multiplayer.
The game looks really slow. Seems like raven lost their balls quite a few years ago, and now only do copy-cat games. Quake 4 SP was copy as much as you can from "realistic" fps games and slow it down to the point where everyone can hit something. Q4 MP was copy Q3 values, settings etc. and throw it in a new engine. It didn't get good gameplay until patches by id. Wolfenstein looks like the malformed child of COD and Fear. They better release both SP and MP demos of this game. If MP is anywhere as slow as the images shown from SP, there is no way I'll play it. The SP looked like a slow walk and shoot type of game (which the market is already flooded with), and isn't something I would buy without trying it out first.