Name: G.I. Jonesy
Posts: 2441
Religion is the greatest threat to humanity. Humans are so dominant because of their intelligence. Through their intelligence, they create and use tools. Without intelligence, humans would be extinct, or would at least be without their precious luxuries. Religious people directly fight intelligence. They champion ignorance and stupidity. They want you to be dumb, so you can be more easily controlled.

For over 200 years now, in the United States, religion has been forbidden from integration with the State. Even so, they never stop attempting infiltration. They have managed to push their beliefs into many of our laws. Drugs, alcohol and prostitution were all outlawed by Christians. These things are kept illegal for 'moral' reasons. Morality is religion. At the inception of the United States, morality played no part in legislation.

The freedom of peaceable assembly is not in place for moral reasons. It is in place because violent assemblies could challenge the government. A violent assembly might mean an army. This is how our laws should still function, but instead, religion forces its garbage on everyone, relentless in its pursuit of omnipotence.

To go back to the drug and alcohol issue: Obviously, these things are tools. Seeing as how tools are the main reason we dominate this planet, what kind of idiot would outlaw tools? Religious people tell you alcohol and drugs are 'sinful'; they are wrong to use, and if you use them, you either go to hell or go to church. Religions want to weaken you, to take away your tools, so they can control you more easily.

As we can clearly deduce, the purpose of all living creatures is the same - survival of the species. The individual cannot survive except through reproduction. Every species survives through reproduction and evolution. As survival is the clear purpose, and religion is the greatest threat to human survival, why do we continue tolerating religion?

The founders of the United States installed freedom of religion only because everyone then was religious. The United States is a nation of immigrants. If religion was forbidden entirely, no one would have come. Today, the country is populated. What valid reason is there to continue subsidizing our greatest threat? If someone is trying to kill you, do you give them a gun?

Religion began as a means to explain the surrounding world. Those in power quickly determined religion could be used as a form of control. Religion then evolved into a system of slavery, with no concern for anything else. Today, after millenia of destruction, many people realize the true nature of religion. It started out innocently and became a monster.

Now that evolution can replace religion completely, only a nation of fools would kill themselves by staying the religious course.