Name: G.I. Jonesy
Posts: 2441
To a world currency, I vote no. It's the same issue of unity. In fantasy, unity is good. In reality, if one party goes in the wrong direction, they die and we live. If we all go in that same direction, we all die. Unity puts the entire species at risk.

Natural order must be upheld. The current economic problems could largely be attributed to changes in regulation. People are used to a certain way; when it changes, there isn't enough time for adjustment. Predators kill all the prey, which leaves the predators without food. If the prey was equipped to deal with predators, on their own, per natural way, there would be no need for government protections which are flawed and severely unnatural, at best.

Humans are idiots, most of whom live in fantasy. None of them know better than nature. Evolution proves there is no sin and virtue, which means there is no heaven and hell. Communists and socialists, with their bizarre giving-a-shit about others moralism, are in some ways more deluded than the religious idiots they typically fight. If you really cared, you would not protect the poor bastards. You would allow them to evolve appropriately, no matter how painful evolution might be. Look at the turtle, it used to be hurt constantly. It is a harmless vegetarian... an 'innocent' creature. If you protected turtles, they never would have developed the shell needed to protect themselves. What happens when you are not there to protect those you 'care' about? They become helpless. All the predator must do is separate you from them, unless of course, those you 'care' about can protect themselves.

While you spend your time and money 'protecting' the so-called innocent, you could spend these things doing something else. If the 'innocent' could protect themselves, they would have no need for you. Through evolution, the prey can learn to protect itself. This is not an option. It is what must be done. You can survive for a time with an unnatural system, but eventually the system will deteriorate, as nature cannot be defied by even a trillion men.