"A mammoth project is also under way to rewrite the whole of the newspaper's archive, stretching back to 1821, in the form of tweets. Major stories already completed include "1832 Reform Act gives voting rights to one in five adult males yay!!!"; "OMG Hitler invades Poland, allies declare war see tinyurl.com/b5x6e for more"; and "JFK assassin8d @ Dallas, def. heard second gunshot from grassy knoll WTF?""
fucking brilliant.
No, but keep in mind that we are 15 years behind of the rest of the world. I believe 1990's dance music and adidas sweat pants are the cool new fad right now.
Pastor Deacon Fred
canceling church services tonight so everyone can go out and do something kind for someone less fortunate; soup kitchen, donate food or clothes, visit a retirement center... April Fools! See you in church! You will still be fined if you miss services.