
Elements of War
EoW v9
By Curtis Turner <IceIYIaN>
Special Thanks: Valve, Arkane Studios, Kuju Entertainment, Microsoft, and Ubisoft.

Requires one of the following:
Half-Life 2
Half-Life 2: DeathMatch
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic

*** Turn this into a HL2/HL2mp/HL2ep1/HL2ep2/Portal/or DMMaM mod by changing GameInfo.txt

Change the Camera View of ANY Gold Source or Source game.
- First Person
- Third Person
- Top Down View
- Side View
- Even Create Your Own

New keyboard menu
- Countless hotkeys
- HUD options
- Change mouse/joystick settings on the fly
- Cheat commands

Completly reworked cfg file

Extreme X-Box 360 controller support! IT"S ON BY DEFAULT!!!

Maps updated, now including:

All Elements of War map source files(Not UT2004)
Open source, do whatever you want with them! If you want to credit me, "Curtis Turner <IceIYIaN>"

Half-Life 2: DeathMatch
-New create a listen server options menu
-New create a server options menu(Dedicated Server)
- Advanced Bunny Hopping
- Melee combat only, Crowbar vs Stunstick

ASDF touch typing hotkeys.
A = Back
S = Forward
D = Strafe Left
F = Strafe Right

Space = Duck
Right click = Jump

QWERT / ZXCVB = Weapons/Spells

TAB, 123, F1-F12, etc all camera commands.

Change Log:
As Blizzard would say, "The battle against spelling continues! Many errors have been fixed"

Along with changes to kb_actHL, HL2, L4D, CSS, a new kb_actDMMaM for Dark Messiah has been created.

cfg/xCFG/xGameZ/Game Name now includes my epic World of WarCraft config, Dark Messiah, among changes to other configs.

xController config fixed, "joystick" changed to xController (xCFG/xGameZ/xController/Game Name)

Lots of xController(X-Box 360 Controller) support added.

Heavily upated GameInfo, MapList, +commandmenu(Gold Source), new create a listen server and server UI. New advanced multi-player options menu(Gold Source)

A number of open source map files.

Removed useless files.