Name: G.I. Jonesy
Posts: 2441
Everyone loves to trade freedom. Here, in the United States, a nation founded on freedom, people trade freedom for anything. A blowjob, security, better health, religion. Like freedom is meaningless to them. The politicians, they just love going on their virtuous crusades to take away your freedoms, because apparently, freedom is evil. Great group of patriots we have living here. Old governments were authoritarian. None of them were founded on the principle of liberty. There must be some natural force driving society into forming the way it did initially. Is this force still so prevalent, in a nation founded on freedom, the people ignore societal principles in favor of what comes naturally?

If you want to smoke cigarettes, you'll have to pay $10, per-pack, in taxes. Why? Because smoking is 'bad' for you, says a politician. By way of government force, it is becoming more and more difficult to ruin your own health. No more freedom for you, instead you must comply with the health-standards assigned by your government.

Want to smoke a joint, well you can't. Why? Because some politician says it's 'bad'. No freedom for you, instead you will be tortured through imprisonment.

Want to live dangerously? Too bad, you must have security. Freedom be damned, now drive-safely.

Apparently, liberty is not an inalienable right granted by nature's God. Any asshole government and ignorant populace can take it away. But they're doing it for your benefit... the extra taxes on cigarettes, they're good for you. Everything, we the politicians, are doing... these things are good for you. They'll help you. Taking away your freedom will help you, just have faith in your benevolent politicians, who rob, cheat and steal every chance they get.

There are no good or bad people. There are only possibilities. If the possibility is available, someone, sooner or later, will take advantage. If you want crime to end, you have to make crime impossible. There are no good guys and bad guys, like in cheap old westerns, or super-hero comics. The super-power wants to be the super-hero, yet there is no such thing. It wouldn't happen if it was impossible.

One of the problems with regulation, is in the fact regulation can be easily removed by any dickhead administration (see, the Bush administration). People become accustomed to the zoo. The lions are regulated in their cages. The Bush administration comes along, releases the lions, does not inform, warn or prepare the zoo-denizens in any way. Before the zoo-people know what's happening, they become lion-food. But you see, if the regulation was not present to begin with, the people would not stand around, too helpless and unaware to defend themselves.

Knowing how politicians, and government, truly function, what must be done to ensure freedom is one commodity we never trade?