In the span of 2 weeks, this has gone from rumor, to webpage, to getting servers up in USA, Europe, Brazil, Chile, Australia. The league is setup so that each clan in each division plays primarily against clans in the division, but of course to spice things up were going to have intercontinental play where every month 1 or 2 matches will be played. That means a clan from USA might play a clan from Brazil, or a clan from Europe or a clan from Australia.
Also we are working on a current clan arena mod that is going to have nice nice nice goodies. This mod is just being tailored for league play which has nice options. There is a nice variety of maps to be played, some which range from the original quake1 maps, a quake 2 map, a quake 3 map, and a few others. So everyone that plays any other game should give this a try so we can have lots of teams and players. My goal is to try to have an organized league so that maybe perhaps we can get recognized and have serious competitions sponsored, its a long shot but this is where it starts.
More infos: Website -

Edited by xou at 03:23 CDT, 3 April 2009 - 9887 Hits