Event: ESWC'09
As just reported on Team-aAa.com (french), it appears that Game-Services, the company that owns ESWC, is undergoing judicial liquidation (bankruptcy).Complexity had contacted Game-Services about this issue, and received this response:
Games-Services SA ceases all activities. Its liquidation has been pronounced by the Commercial Court of Paris March 30, 2009. In consequence, all the employees and managers have been relieved from their duties and laid off April 2nd, by the adjudication. The process of liquidation, which is starting this week, will notably organize the potential trade-in or resale of the company’s assets including the Electronic Sports World Cup and Overgame.So although ESWC can be bought by another company, it appears that as of now, there will be no future ESWC Qualifiers or Final Events.
Also reported by Complexity here.
- Attached Misc File: 69105-games-services.png (5 Apr 2009, 39KB, 791 downloads)
Edited by xou at 13:37 CDT, 5 April 2009 - 128452 Hits