Name: G.I. Jonesy
Posts: 2441
Who came up with the idea addiction is bad? Do people function under the assumption addiction is bad, or has someone provided reason? Doctors, in their infinite nonsense, want to now convince everyone addiction is not evil, it's a disease to be cured. Let's put this notion to the test. Is addiction truly bad, or did everyone accept the assertion of an idiot?

What could possibly be bad about addiction? It takes away self-control? Not completely. It's a lot like religion in that sense, it makes the pain more painful and the pleasure more pleasurable. It guides you, by controlling your base instincts.

How about the fact you are chained to your addiction? You must have it, on a regular basis. This one is probably why everyone assumes addiction is evil, because we all know oxygen and food, you don't need on a regular basis.

Maybe it's the money you must spend to feed your addiction? But how could that be a reason? We spend money on retarded television shows and crap exploitation music. We spend money to kill and torture innocent people. Better to spend it on a cigarette here or there. Unless you argue money should only be spent on the basic necessities, I don't see how you could use money as a reason.

How about something everyone knows to be true: whatever you're addicted to does nothing good for you whatsoever? Wait a second... nevermind.

Addiction is evil, because stupid people are targeted by business predators? Predator and prey, it's been that way for billions of years, it will be that way until the end of eternity. Stupid people will continue being stupid, unless their stupidity hurts them, causing them, through evolution, to become intelligent. In this sense, addiction is not evil, nor are predators. If anything is evil here, it is stupidity. Stupidity will not be fixed by deceiving stupid people into thinking addiction is evil. And certainly, it won't be fixed by 'protecting' people from addiction.

I can't figure it out. Can someone explain to me what's 'bad' about addiction?