Sheesh who is the guy who designs and manufactures these things? I mean how ugly, tacky, cheap and uncomfortable can the sidewinder line look? If there were no price tags I would assume the 3.0 to be the more expensive quality product.
But It really has very little of the old sidewinder shape. (maybe they've come to reason now).
It's round and not dropshaped, and smaller but most important it's AMBIDEXTROUS=good!! (almost wmo anyone? :P)
Also the 2 thumbb..looks perfectly placed (unlike the older).
But it should have been bluetrack...COMON ALREADY MS! ....What's the hold up? sigh!
well, I for one won't change mouse untill I find something REALLY interesting, I'm very anal about what mouse I have..
And this one simply looks like crap.
I got a cloth pad too and I've changed the mouses feets several times by now (but I got the same mouse since like 4 years, repearing it when needed from time to time) ; anyway it's your business, but your wmo could slides smoothly too with these teflon strips