Name: G.I. Jonesy
Posts: 2441
How many things are oppressing us, in our daily lives? How many of those things could be removed? America is supposed to be a country of freedom, not of safety. It is supposed to be the Home of the Brave, not the home of the chickenshits. You claim to be 'saving lives', but you're really oppressing. Lives cannot be saved, only prolonged. Stupid morons should die before they reproduce, for the sake of natural selection.

1. Drug, cigarette and alcohol laws.

These laws are bullshit. Me smoking weed does not oppress anyone, yet I am being oppressed and possibly persecuted.

Young people, with the consent of their parents and guardians, should be able to use whatever substances they want.

2. Speed-limits.

These things are not necessary. People are not suicidal. They have strong survival instincts. If the speed-limits were changed to speed-recommendations, people would stay around the recommended 'safe' speed. If there is no recommended speed, they may drive dangerously because they do not realize they are driving at an unsafe speed.

3. Drivers licenses.

Also not necessary. People drive their whole lives, as passengers. When they get old enough to drive drive, they can learn the rest from their parents or whoever. Most of the rules of the road, which are necessary, are detailed on the roads themselves and are otherwise self-explanatory (such as stopping at those ambiguous signs that say 'stop').

4. Seat-belt laws.

To show how far the insane oppression has gone, they now force you to wear a seat-belt. At least, with the other driving laws, there is some concern for other cars on the road. With these laws, what the fuck? No other drivers are at risk when you fail to wear a seat-belt.

5. Work-laws.

There are too many different work-laws for me to go over. If you have any you'd like to add, don't feel oppressed.

I'll leave it there, so you can add whatever laws are oppressing you in your daily lives. Are they necessary? Are they a lesser of two oppressions?