I've been all over the America's. I could live in any of the places i've been. If I had to choose between them all, i'd probably pick San Francisco.

I love New Orleans. Unlike some people, I love where I come from. Even though San Francisco does not, in any way possible, have better food, I would choose it over my hometown. I love the Chinese people there; the schoolgirls who give me looks of love.... or sexuality, whatever it might be. The marijuana laws, which, according to my primate brother, amount to a mere fine of $20. The place is incredible. I could sit there forever, in the middle of the night, looking at the tall buildings against the sky's background.

In New Orleans, everything is flat. The city is below sea-level. The highest hill is 27 feet tall. When I lived there, I lived in the ghetto. The windows were covered with steel-bars. Sometimes, you could hear what sounded like firecrackers, but were actually people shooting each other with guns. You could look out your window and see them, with their ski-masks on, chasing each other around, firing off wasted ammunition rounds. Maybe, eventually, the cops would show up, after someone had been shot in the leg.

In San Francisco, everything is different. The most trouble you get is some neighbor bitching about the sound you're making from your awesome ass party.

If there is a conclusion, it will be when I move to San Francisco, or when you visit, to learn what a great place it is.