Name: G.I. Jonesy
Posts: 2441
America, the land of yanks. Don't be surprised if I take my army of Chinese schoolgirls to Seattle, where we will take out the Japanese schoolgirls. It's time to end this feud. Maggie will just have to switch sides. Natalie can be my second-in-command, which has nothing to do with her ethnicity, I just like her and know she can handle the job. We can do this. Japanese schoolgirls, consider yourselves through.

You see, the Japanese schoolgirls are unorganized. They won't stand a chance.

Politicians are such children sometimes. They want you to be their friends. If you're mean to them, they'll try to hurt you. What you can do, like say there's a law you want removed, you can piss off every politician, then act like you love the law you want gone. It's a simple matter of reverse psychology. Politicians are a bunch of dumb orangutans like everyone else (excluding myself, Maggie, Natalie and the Chinese schoolgirls). You hurt their feelings, they'll try to hurt you in return. If they think they can hurt you by removing the law you support wholeheartedly, they'll get rid of that fucker.

As you can see, it is far too complex for the common politician.