Name: G.I. Jonesy
Posts: 2441
The laws on this issue are bullshit for the following reasons:

1. They are predicated on the fallacy a young person cannot A. Truly consent and B. Will never gain the means to consent (through evolution).

2. All people mature at the same rate.

3. The purpose of sex is reproduction. If the person can reproduce, they are clearly old enough to have sex. You could argue the young person is not old enough to care responsibly for a child, but these laws mean an older person is also the parent and therefore should be capable of responsible parenting.

4. Young people are the responsibility of themselves and their parents/guardians. It is detrimentally unnatural for government to play the parent.

5. The penalties are far too severe. They are clearly un-Constitutional. This isn't a simple case of fines. These penalties can be 99 years in prison, for having consensual sex. These laws are quite possibly the most un-Constitutional laws we have.

6. That hurt is some kind of immoral or sinful device, when in reality, it is an essential part of evolution.

The laws we have, which demand everything must have 'consent', deter evolution from taking place. These laws stagnate the law-abiding population, making it so the only people who truly evolve are criminals.