Name: G.I. Jonesy
Posts: 2441
Don't you love columnists? Let's make something clear... humans are not social creatures, humans are group creatures. We group based on necessity. It is a definite misconception humans are social. This misconception comes from deceit of vision. It is a superficiality. On the surface, there is no difference between group and social. In reality, the unknowing human groups based on instinct. If you are not part of a group, survival becomes difficult if not impossible. Grouping based on instinct is primitive and should cease. Instead, we should have self-control, in that we understand the necessity of the group-structure, and knowingly agree to a position within the structure.

Self-control is not the same as self-reliance. With self-reliance, except for what you rely on, you can be controlled. With self-control, you do not blame inanimate objects for your mistakes, or for the errors of others. You control your actions, regardless of the group-opinion, which could be wrong. The group is not always right. If you think for yourself, a.k.a., control yourself, you can recognize when the group is wrong. Self-control and the group-structure are both necessary for survival. There is no conflict between the two.

Too many people think in today's terms. When you fail to consider evolution, you fail to accurately consider the future.