Imagine yourself on a field of wheat, surrounded by nothingness. You feel relaxed, like there's a higher spirit lifting you above the tormenting world you are living in right now. Life feels complete.
Well this is nothing like that but hey, look! Eye candy! And a whole four and a half minutes of it. This sure feels like a good replacement if you can't have your inner peace. Act now before it's too late!
Ok enough with the lousy advertisement crap. Quake 3 trickjumping with amazing scenery and beautiful effects. Enjoy.
Screenshots: 1 2 3 4 5
Well this is nothing like that but hey, look! Eye candy! And a whole four and a half minutes of it. This sure feels like a good replacement if you can't have your inner peace. Act now before it's too late!
Ok enough with the lousy advertisement crap. Quake 3 trickjumping with amazing scenery and beautiful effects. Enjoy.
Screenshots: 1 2 3 4 5
- Movie File - Stream () 0MB
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- Movie File - 1280x544 (Morning.Never.Came.720p.x264.ra r) 194MB
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Edited by xou at 09:04 CDT, 29 April 2009 - 25540 Hits