http://www.esreality.com/files/images/2008/66906-DSC01990.jpg (cypher)
http://i41.tinypic.com/syw93t.jpg (fps doug lol)
is that wmo or 1.1? on gotfrag they say it's a wmo, and also that there's a shape difference between them (i thought it was same shape but with side buttons).
they also say wmo it's prefered for quake games because of it's shape slightly different than 1.1, even if it does not have side buttons.
1.1 is prefered for cs possibly for the extra buttons.
In both games also it's used the 3.0 so I thought buying one instead of a wmo or a 1.1, but I don't know if it is really too big (I used mx510 a lot, but I don't like the mx500 shape anymore)
which mousepad? i'm thinking about qck+ or heavy, or a puretrak talent
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