Event: ESWC'09
The ESWC Asia Masters 2009 final will be held this weekend from May 2nd to May 5th in the city of Cheonan.A total of 4 Starcraft players will be competing for the $9,000 prize pool. White-Ra, Super, IdrA and TossGirl will be in attendance to help celebrate the first ever ESWC Asia Masters event and also to represent Starcraft as a whole, since this is the first time ever that its been in an ESWC event.
May 4th and 5th will be the Starcraft play day's, while other games and events will be held during the complete event. Yours truly, (me), will be on the scene during May 1st until the 6th, to get as many interviews and random crazy stuff that I can share with all of you. Artosis will also be there as a commentator.
If you want to see how White-Ra, Super and IdrA qualified for the finals of this event, you can watch the videos from their final matches below.
YouTube's user page for the videos: SCForAll
Edited by xou at 10:15 CDT, 30 April 2009 - 14693 Hits