Name: G.I. Jonesy
Posts: 2441
How can current drug laws be validated? People attempt validation through tales of fiction; through cause and effect errors; through discrimination, prejudice and superstition. Republicans, in their fascist Christianity, believe drugs are the devil and the only way to defeat the devil is through government.

Today, there are no worse people than Republicans. They are filled with hatred. Any intelligent creature knows, hatred is idiotic. Hatred is a primitive brain-function fit for animals. Hatred is not reason, it is personal opinion. Just because you hate something, doesn't mean it should be tortured and killed.

The reality is, there is no validation for current drug laws. They are completely wrong. There is also no validation for Republicans, who are equally wrong. You see Republicans today, spewing their wild hatred towards liberals and libertarians. Soon, they'll be dead... never to return. I enjoy watching their acts of desperation. As they pit themselves against liberals and libertarians, they ensure their death will come swiftly. Honest Abe, i'm afraid your political party today is nothing better than a horrific irony.

I'll try writing a video game column soon... video games are just so fucking boring atm. Maybe i'll make up some bullshit, 'cause what's real is too boring to bother with.