Event: ESWC'09
Tonight Fragster released an interview with the most popular man behind Games-Services and ESWC. David "R0cK3r" Donschen could talk with Matthieu Dallon about the Games-Services' bankrupt, the business model they used, the missing prize money from past events and the hypothetical future of the ESWC.Do you think that we can see an ESWC event in the near future?The full interview is available in English on Fragster.de. Also the same author wrote an in-depth article, "The End of a Great Dotcom Idea", covering the situation surrounding the GS bankrupt.
M. Dallon: Considering the necessary time for a potential trade-in and then, the minimum time to sale sponsorships offers and to produce the event, we shall wait until the end of the year.
Edited by Nukm at 13:07 CDT, 11 May 2009 - 20041 Hits
interesting interview, hope the players get paid out
btw, there is also an interesting article on fragster that reviews the whole eswc situation: