Who enjoys the League format? Playing a scheduled match once every 3-4 days? It's a way for the serious and the casual gamer to play in an organized competition. If you play you may advance and if you do not play, you get tossed out on your a$$, it's a way to get rid of those annoying inactive players. I am a fan of the League Format and am happy to announce that we will once again be organizing a League Tournament. Our current league system is being rebuilt and does not currently work but we are still going to put on a "For Fun" League to keep you guys active in the communities. Our first League comeback attempt will be for Quakelive and we'll have a competition for the 4 major mods, 4v4 CTF, 4v4 CA, 4v4 TDM and 1v1 DM.
Just head on over on
ggl.com for all the details.