Duel pack: 1 fish vs Funnyb
-1 Hour of training 20euros
-2 Hours of training 35euros
-3 Hours of training 50euros
These prices do not include a private server, but we can always kick... you and funnyb, maybe disturbed (but enjoy the kicking!).
CTF pack: 2-5 players vs Funnyb
-1 Hour of training 35euros
-2 Hours of training 60 euros
-3 Hours of training 85euros
There are no discounts so stfu.
Funnyb: "You die if you thinking to match"
this isn't a joke, contact funnyb on irc via #theteam on quakenet
Edited by lukej at 17:28 CDT, 30 June 2009 - 14248 Hits