Name: G.I. Jonesy
Posts: 2441
Pro-gaming is at an interesting stage. It is still in somewhat early development. During this period, you get to see lots of failures. You get to watch people struggle. They're weak, like babies suckling at the only teet they know. Counter-strike really sucks bad and is the worst failure that will ever be. The CS players are hapless victims. Quake players are bad-ass, but maybe they are too bad-ass? Whatever the case, even though there isn't much, it is a good time to be involved.

30,000 years ago, video games were first invented. It was a time when dinosaurs roamed the plains. The smaller dinosaurs preferred Quake and eventually became birds. The bigger dinosaurs preferred counter-strike and died. Some of the pterodactyls enjoyed consoles. Angel used to be a devil, and caused the greatest error in e-sports history. His leaked e-mail was responsible for Counter-Strike replacing Quake. After he was a total dick, id refused to let the CPL use Quake 3 anymore. CS players are delusional and believe their game was simply better. To this day, much like Christians, their delusions persist.

If you look at the surface, which is not everything, but is one thing, you find CS players fit the mold of gamers. They are mostly ugly and/or fat nerds/dorks/geeks. They epitomize what people dislike about gaming. If you look at Quake players, they are athletic, good-looking, and they like to party. Beyond the surface, Quake players are better at gaming. No CS player has ever managed to do anything in Quake, even though some Quake players have done well in CS (the few who can stomach playing the atrocity/game for long enough to compete). I played the game for two weeks, and even with 150 ping compared to everyone else's 30, I was the best player and had the highest score. I'm not talking pubs, these were official matches. CS is just plain garbage (no offense). A game with real depth requires ages to master.

Consoles are worse than CS. The controls are fit for amateurs, and are used by amateurs. The strategy is so limited by the amateur controls, the games cannot possibly achieve a depth greater than can be found in a toilet. But people like to sit on their couches, and play with their friends on xbox live. They don't want to bother with drivers and patches and hardware upgrades and operating systems. They just want to put their disk in the xbox machine and start fucking. This leaves us, the people who are willing to do a little foreplay, with an exciting new challenge..

Of course, it is up to us, the real professionals. The amateurs and the casuals (and the frauds), do not really care. And why should they? The fake professionals get their fake dicks sucked by a bunch of naive fools. The amateurs have no desire to be obliterated beyond recognition, learning once and for all where they truly stand. The casuals just want a little light entertainment here or there, to fill the gaps of their empty lives.

What we should know, as professionals, is that investors will only involve themselves if they can expect a profitable return. We should also know, amateurs and casuals might prefer spectating. Fake professionals are meaningless idiots, who will learn soon enough. As you watch these things, it is an interest in itself, if you enjoy development.

Pro-gamers... eSports-people... let's make our dinosaurs proud (but not in a deadly-sin kind of way). If the dinosaurs could see us today, on the brink of something better than yesterday, they would eat every enemy and squish every opponent. In their absence, we will just have to do these things ourselves.