I think we have a cheater on Quake Live, Yuka.
- He has been caught in Counter Strike for using wallhack and in Quake2 for using ratbot.
- He apparently bought a brand new mouse and suddenly improved. Additionally he won a new mouse at a Slovenian tournament but said he didn't need it.
- His average accuracy against average players two-three weeks ago was around 18-33% and he was also being beaten by average players. But now he has accuracy against top players (strenx, spartie, blanka and bodzo) of around 45-58%, and he is now beating them (bodzo / blanka and strenx with a frag difference of more than 15-20 a few times).
If you check weapon accuracy, mg 50%, lg 45-50% and rg 63-65%, however you still can fake % in ql. (with a "new" mouse)
21:55 ****** cant u show reciept
21:55 ****** of ur new mouse
21:55 ****** and old 1?
21:55 yuka mmm i always put those papers somewhere i dont ever find again mate
21:55 yuka and i old mouse is rlly far ago
21:55 yuka i dont know where that shit is
21:56 @noVACE you talk so much shit man
21:56 @noVACE you keep receipt
21:56 yuka its truth
21:56 @noVACE incase it breaks
21:56 @noVACE so what u do if it breaks man
21:56 @noVACE have shit mouse for next 2 years again
21:56 @noVACE LOL
21:56 yuka well it didnt appear broken
21:56 yuka at start
21:57 yuka 100eu
21:57 yuka would break suddenly
21:57 yuka lol
21:57 yuka thats abit too much
21:57 yuka yeh i did shaun
21:57 @noVACE lol man
21:57 yuka including the boxes i think
21:57 ****** lol
21:57 ****** 100 euros is a lot
21:57 @noVACE i mean
21:57 ****** i would keep reciept
21:57 ****** myself
21:57 yuka in which must he papers been
21:57 @noVACE receipt of new mouse
21:57 ****** but can u show photos
21:57 ****** of ur g9
21:57 ****** and g9x ?
21:57 @noVACE i dont care
21:57 @noVACE u had it for ages
21:57 @noVACE show us photo of mousefeet
21:57 @noVACE k?
21:57 yuka i dont have the old mouse mate
21:58 yuka i didnt have it for ages
21:58 @noVACE show us photo
21:58 ****** and about the g9x
21:58 ****** u have?
21:58 @noVACE of new mouse feet
21:58 @noVACE the bottom of it
21:58 @noVACE we will see if it's new :)
21:58 @noVACE good clear picture
21:58 @noVACE k?
21:58 @Chaun|TTrailer rofl
21:58 yuka loool i can make picture
21:58 yuka by phone only
21:58 yuka only photo i got
21:59 ****** well
21:59 ****** ur phone
21:59 ****** is good
21:59 ****** u can connect
21:59 yuka so i dunno how clear it is
21:59 ****** it to pc
21:59 ****** as far as i know
21:59 @noVACE so take it of your phone
21:59 @noVACE clean the camera with some water and cloth
21:59 @noVACE then take it in nice light
21:59 @noVACE k?
22:00 yuka yeh np
22:00 yuka but let me find the phone cable and install drivers
22:01 yuka brb
22:01 @noVACE i think we maybe also need some text written "yuka" on it
22:01 @noVACE i think he googles
22:01 @noVACE ;<
22:01 @Chaun|TTrailer lol
22:02 @Chaun|TTrailer so you got g9 yuka ?
22:04 @Detective_nVc well
22:04 @Detective_nVc if i am right in saying
22:04 @Detective_nVc he had it before
22:04 @Detective_nVc it broke
22:04 @Detective_nVc so he got another
22:04 @Detective_nVc that broke
22:04 @Detective_nVc so hes gone back to g9
22:04 @Detective_nVc if my calculations are correct
22:04 @Detective_nVc that mouse is really old
22:05 ****** lol
22:05 ****** DETECTIVE
22:06 yuka ok
22:07 yuka
22:07 yuka hope the pic is good enough
22:07 @Chaun|TTrailer that mouse looks used
22:08 yuka LOOOL
22:08 yuka well i dont clean it often
22:08 @Chaun|TTrailer so this is your new mouse
22:08 @Chaun|TTrailer ???
22:08 yuka ye
22:08 @Chaun|TTrailer rofl
22:08 @Chaun|TTrailer seriously ??
Now the conversation the next day when he deleted a picture of his mouse on his FTP:
18:39 Detective_nVc can u re uplaod picture of mouse?
18:39 Detective_nVc or you have something to hide?
18:40 yuka erm its uploaded?
18:40 Detective_nVc nope
18:40 Detective_nVc u deleted it
18:40 yuka ???
18:40 yuka
18:41 Detective_nVc see
18:41 Detective_nVc The requested URL /yuka/themousethatpwnzhaha.JPG was not found on this server.
18:41 yuka oh shit
18:41 yuka let me check
18:41 yuka what happened
18:44 yuka nVc seems my ftp dropped
18:44 yuka i cannot connect to it anymore or something
18:44 yuka reup the pic yourself
18:44 yuka gotta go out now
18:44 yuka gf waiting
Btw his ftp is working:
Here is the pic which we have saved of his "new" mouse:
http://www4.slikomat.com/09/0707/c4n-themou.jpg and my replay to his "new" mouse
People post your thoughts. Did he really become so good because of a mouse or is he cheating?