The 2008-2009 Shinhan Bank Proleague playoffs have begun, with the top 6 teams from the 5 rounds of proleague advancing.
The following matches will be played at 23:00 CDT, 18 July 2009:
The following matches will be played at 23:00 CDT, 18 July 2009:
hite SPARKYZ -vs- CJ Entus (Match 2) on OGN
type-b <Neo Medusa> EffOrt
Horang2 <Colosseum II> Nbs
go.go <Neo Harmony> Iris
Leta <Shades Of Twilight> sKyHigh
YellOw[ArnC] <Destination> Kwanro
Justin <Heartbreak Ridge> Movie
TBD <Andromeda> TBD
STX Soul -vs- Samsung KHAN (Match 2) on MBC
Calm <Outsider> Juni
hwasin <Neo Harmony> firebathero
Kal <Destination> yoOn
Modesty <Andromeda> Stork
by.hero <Neo Medusa> JangBi
Shuttle <Heartbreak Ridge> great
TBD <Shades Of Twilight> TBD
Edited by Vedic at 02:12 CDT, 19 July 2009 - 2598 Hits - MBC - OGN (50 person limit) - MBC (english cast!)