TheSpeedGamers is a group of players who attempt silly video gaming marathons for noble causes. Most of the players are american, while some others are from Denmark, Canada or Australia.

Their marathon usually consist of finishing the main games of a franchise on a given time, for example the most popular Zelda on every console. They also provide a streaming of the marathons with a commentator and you can even chat while watching them playing from their website.

The 12th and current marathon covers Final Fantasy and aims to finish FF1, FF2, FF3, FF4, FF5, FF6, FF7, FF8, FF9, FF10 and FF12 in one week! And they're doing it to generate donations to an american organization who support families with autistic children, ACT Today. For now only a few of the FF have been finished and they probably won't be able to make it. But more than $25,000 have already been collected.

Website: TheSpeedGamers