Id`s Press Conference & Keynote Speech
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Event: QCon'09

Tune in for the IGN Live Stream
There is also a Liveblogging at Kotatu
Press Conference is over, as usual the conference was very short
- Wolfenstein RPG for iPhone was presented, release is now on AppleStore
- Marty Stratton talks about Quake Live. Leaderboards will having a comeback in Quake Live
- Todd Hollenshead said we get new infos about Doom 4 on the next QuakeCon 2010 :(
- New Rage trailer was shown. Trailer looks nice looking, much shooting & driving rocks and is now available on Gametrailers
John Carmack´s Keynote Speech, summary and video is up on QuakeUnity
Edited by Badb0y at 01:26 CDT, 14 August 2009 - 10667 Hits