the only time i remember cooller outshafting evenly stacked toxic was the one @ quakecon 2k4 (?) which was probably tox at his lifetime worst. (the your lg is nothink on the lan one) the others were just map control coollering and 200 200 doing its job.
Well positioning is what the shaft is all about, and he always outshafted toxic in fights usually.
I remember in a Quakecon game on Monsoon (so Q4 obviously) where cooller was super outstacked and he ended up on 20 HP and Toxic on 4 (But Toxic got away and got health/armour and the frag).
exactly... many people don't take into account the impact good positioning has on LG aim and cooller has the best positioning by far... even to this day.
but thx for the demo ;)