Live On Three #30 with djWHEAT, SirScoots, and Slasher will feature Jarod "StreetRunner" Resin as the featured guest to discuss The AGP and answer questions from the audience.
The AGP has seen both positive and negative feedback since the launch in late September. On this week's LO3, Jarod will join us to discuss his vision for the AGP and the impact the recent vote will have on players, tournaments, and the organization. During the interview the hosts be fielding questions from show chat and open up the phones for the audience to grill him about every aspect of the AGP, including the membership fee, choosing Quake Live as the flagship game, the differences between the AGP and the G7, conflict of interest in running tournaments while also being a players association, and the long term goals of the AGP. Also on the show will be SK Gaming's Dennis "walle" Wallenberg to talk about the team's latest victory at IEM Chengdu with their new lineup.
We will also be discussing the Dubai event and the invites announced, along with our early picks, as well as the IEM North American groups.
- ESL Dubai to hold a major Quake Live tournament with several of the world's best players, including Shane "rapha" Hendrixson, Alexey "Cypher" Yanushevsky, Sebastian "Spart1e" Siira and comebacks by Anton "Cooller" Singov and Fan "RazerJ" Zhibo; ESL also announces $130,000 prize purse for the European QL/CS/WoW season, as well as the groups for the North American QL/CS playoffs, and European CS playoffs.
- Brazilian Counter-Strike player aSpx has been banned 6 years by the World Cyber Games for cheating on LAN at WCG Brazil. How this happened and how no one was able to notice.
- Major League Gaming announces Orlando as their finals event in January, with $380,000 in cash being awarded over Halo 3, Gears of War, World of Warcraft, and Madden 10.
- Justin Wong will take on Daigo in a first to 10 next weekend at Season's Beatings in Ohio, who's favored and our picks on the winner. More details on Super Street Fighter 4 are released including a possible spectator mode.
- Fly100% taking home the IEM Chengdu title over a very prepared Moon, being the only non-Korean player to place in the top 3.
- DotA developer IceFrog has joined Valve Software to continue working on his project, potentially a standalone DotA through Valve. What this could mean for the game's longevity and how it interacts with eSports.
- After much petitioning from members of the Gameriot community, SK.EU's new WoW team will in fact be heading to MLG Anaheim.
- ex-Wicked/mYm Polish superstars join English-based organization Vitriolic, compLexity go through roster changes.
For those comment trolls who claim the hosts do not ask "tough" enough questions yet are too pussy to call in themselves... consider this your invitation to email with your questions for Jarod. Peace.
Actually I did put it into the main post but since I have respect for this site, I decided it belonged in the comments. What would you know about that tho...
By putting it into the comments section and in the manner you have, you're just trying to act the big tough guy and create an antagonistic tone.
The reason you didn't want to put it in the main post is because you couldn't act tough and call people pussies for not phoning up (Yeah because everyone watches/listens to the show live and is even capable of phoning up!) and you want to create an air of professionalism.
I'd say I know a fair bit about respect for this site and comments on this site but like I said, it's time for you to step up and stop acting like a little child who had all his toys stolen from him by "the man".
Yeah you're right. I need to come act the "big tough guy". Why? Why would I have any interest in doing so? Cause I have nothing better to do?
I need to step up? How? How do you suggest that I "step up"? Since you seem to know how I need to handle myself, why don't you tell me what I'm apparently doing wrong. I can take it, I'm a big boy.
I'm not sure how I'm "acting like a little child". I think your definition of "acting like a little child" would have seen me turn my back on esports, gaming, etc. But I'm still here... can you explain that?
Please enlighten me with more speculation and incredibly vague points.
I've no idea why you would want to act the big tough guy but you certainly try to. Why else would you feel it was more appropriate to post that as a comment rather than adding it into the main post (albeit without the antagonising and insults).
You're acting like a little child who got hurt by the big bad bully and now wants to act the rebel rather than pull up his socks.
You are both. Your unconsciousness is the reason you always do this. You continuously need to be heard; need to be right. There isn't a right here. Your opinion is fine to state but then you defend it because it is your identity.
You will realize you keep coming back to each post that someone argues with you because it is an addiction: an addiction to the mind. Most have this, however.
So, I would suggest realizing it doesn't feel good to try to be right always, and it definitely doesn't feel good to find out you're simply being a dick most of the time. It's kind of sad. People that act like this in real life are not liked. They lose jobs, never have many friends, and don't work out well in any relationships. And they spread the general negative energy that poisons everyone.
Join the present moment my friend. Living in the past only causes suffering.
Edited by Streetrunner at 18:25 CDT, 8 October 2009
He only ever provides analysis of himself and how he once acted, felt and was treated by others (He said so himself in another thread were his pseudo-psychology/philosophy was used as a defence against negative comments).
If he tried to actually analyse anyone else he'd fail miserably.
hi wheat. it's cool of you to do those shoutcasts for free, better than nothing I guess, so props to you for that. But seriously you are nowhere near a quality host. most of the time when you're casting a match I hear "and now cypher continues to make his way to RL, and now he proceeds to make his way to MH..." durrrr
I quote the play by play commentator (martin tyler), "Robben, heres Lampard, comes out to essien" well duh? And yet that is exactly the bread and butter of the play by play commentator. If they sat silent waiting for the moments to scream it'd be pointless, and there isnt enough finer points to analyse for 90 minutes so what exactly do you want the play by play guy to do?
The same is of gaming, do you want wheat to sit silent as players navigate the map and armour/health up?
no wait, you didn't just compare an actual sport with 22 players on the field and an individual videogame duel? you could've found a proper analogy with boxing or tennis but hey, since when are casters meant to have a clue?
oh and btw, the analogy of wheats(or yours for that matter) cast of a boxing match would be:
boxerA throws a jab
boxerB blocks
boxerB throws a hook
boxerA dodges
So, how is it different? He is simply doing is job just as the boxing play by play would do. You've mocked my analogy but not answered my point, the job of the play by play commentator is to do the "well duh" moments, as you put it?
Wait, because I posted one comment about the trolls?
So let me understand this. Because I posted that one comment in the comments and not on the main post, I'm trying to "act the tough guy"? Or are there other reasons that you're not disclosing?
I seems pretty obvious that he put it in the comments because it was a statement directed at "comment trolls", i.e. people who read/reply to comments, and not a statement directed at the readers of the main news article.
Maybe you're getting your panties in a bunch because you realize the comment is directed at people like you and you don't like the fact that someone is telling you to step up and take action instead of idly complaining.
I don't think you are comprehending what I mean. My point is:
1. He posted it in the comments because it is a statement directed at people who troll the comments.
2. He didn't post it in the main article because a statement directed at comment trolls is not appropriate for the main article.
3. He didn't post it in the comments to be a "tough guy", he posted it there because that is the most appropriate place.
His comment is for the people who complain about there not being any tough questions but never phone in. Not for people who just troll comments and don't read news posts.
It is clearly more appropriate to be placed in the main article (Albeit without the "comment trolls" and "pussy" remarks, which serve what purpose exactly?).
What you are missing is the fact that "people who complain about there not being any tough questions but never phone in" and "people who just troll comments and don't read news posts" are one in the same. he says right there, "For those comment trolls who claim the hosts do not ask "tough" enough questions", that means the comment is directed at comment trolls WHO ALSO complain about the hosts not asking tough questions -- so it is most appropriate for the comments section.
That's your opinion though and frankly a rather naive and silly one.
The only reason he even put "comment trolls" is to suggest that anyone who complains about the value of the questions but hasn't phoned in is just setting out to cause disruption. He then moves on to call people who don't call in "pussy" to again attempt to lower the worth of anyone who complains about the questions.
Not only was it all unnecessary but the information could easily have been included in the main news post where anyone visiting the site would see it rather than the person needing to click on the news piece and read the comments.
You are using phrases like "to suggest" and "to attempt to" to try to make assumptions about the intentions behind his post.
If you take the post at face value and don't insert your own opinions into the meaning, he is simply asking idle whiny commenters to stop complaining and take action, and the comments section is the correct place to do that because that is where whiny commenters are found.
As for the "tough guy" wording, I think it is perfectly fine to take shots at comment trolls. If more people tell them their actions are useless, maybe they will realize they can step up and contribute to become valuable members of the community. People just want everything handed to them and don't realize it has to come from somewhere.
You're telling him to ignore his prior experiences with wheat, when that's exactly what sparked this from the beginning. Trying to get people to "contribute" and "become valuable members of the community" on ESR is absurdity.
Posting material on a troll site, and then making a comment as if you are above it (when it's really just trolling itself) is what he was commenting on, and what you can't see. If you can't handle the negative feedback, don't put it specifically in a place where it is 100% sure to happen. Sans the comment, there would have been even LESS trolling.
Collective trolling.
It is interesting how important it is for justification on any site like this. You guys ever think why you feel the need to justify and explain?
ESR Example:
Person 1 says: "My dad is bigger than yours".
Person 2 says: "Na uh. My dad is bigger! And this is why: (says a reason)"
Person 1: "Keep thinking that because I don't want to believe anyone else could be right about something. It means THAT much to me to be right".
Person 2: "I don't have to think about it because it's true. I measured. Because I know this, I will argue until you can agree. Until then, I will do whatever it takes to make you believe what I know is true, and that is that my Dad is bigger than your dad. I will keep coming back here to feel like I am better than you at something, even if we never meet in person. It makes me feel that good about myself deep down."
Person 1: "Na uh isn't a word, learn how to write ENGLISH you dumb piece of shit".
Person 2: "Your dad is a piece of shit".
rinse repeat rinse repeat rinse repeat
And we try to understand why certain peoples hate other peoples.
Keep it up guys. The numbers on this site suggest there are many that read here without taking part in this funny activity. They might know something you trolls don't. But I still love you all as we are you too ;)
See, perfect example. If he wasn't just another troll, he would have dismissed my post as a troll, and put me on ignore accordingly. Despite insulting him on numerous occasions, insulting just about every project he has ever had a hand in, and always responding to each and every part of a reply without giving up, he still comes back for more. He gets off on defending himself through condescending to ESR as if he's somehow more mature, all the while coming here to advertise a new "GOING TO SAVE ESPORTS" plot each week.
The bulk of his posts in the past are only in defense of something that he is personally going to profit from. When questioned or queried for actual discussion, he knee jerks into extremely bad ad hominem attacks, usually in the form of psychological evaluation that wouldn't make the grade at a community college.
The type of people who defend these clowns, as if they weren't just the same as everyone else, are the same people who try to defend the quality of Quake Live by quoting the price tag. You can hide behind denial all you want, but if you can read this, you're a troll.
Or everyone would only say things which everyone could enjoy. Which in practice is what you said basically. Reminds me of the annoying woman in this video.
You didn't address the group, of whom you're apparently a member, who repeatedly come back to the community of guys who LIKE to be critical things of things they dislike. That same group who keep coming back and who continually butt in like an incredibly tiresome sunday school teacher telling everyone to not saying anything if they have nothing good to say etc.
Here's a cool new age idea:
If you don't like being insulted then fuck off out of the site where we like to insult each other.
Seems like you and the rest of that group have your own S&M style addiction to taking punishment from ESR. You're not engaging in some kind of buddhist great work taking negative energy and changing it into positive energy. You're taking abuse for things people think you've done poorly, except instead of taking any of it on board even on its own merits you apparently assign everything negative issued towards you as some kind of projection of all the flaws of that person's life. Which in turn reminds you how flawed everyone else is and how enlightened you have become to see beyond the mire all those sheeple are stuck in.
Apparently the new cool thing amongst people with status in esports is constantly biting the hand that feeds them by spamming ESR with posts, like wheat and you do, about the minutiae of every project they are involved in while at the same time basically implying the majority of ESR members are dog shit they would just as soon as wipe off their boot or ignore entirely.
It's one thing to be insulted by someone publicly and rebuke them for their anti-social behaviour, it's entirely another to constantly beat down their door and poke your nose in their face so you can over and over again tell them how everything they're saying has little to no value and is just a burden to the world.
Who the fuck appointed you guys the leaders of esports and keepers of the knowledge of how everyone should behave? Competitive gaming managed just fine before you and everyone went to the front of the class and began shouting in the loudest and most official sounding voices about 'what must be done' and 'the direction we must take esports in'. Taking gaming 'mainstream' and removing all the negative aspects might be your wet dream but some of us like what already is or already was and don't feel the need to apologize because a self-appointed leader of industry grew up in a middle class environment where swearing was frowned upon and you had to go into timeout for anti-social behaviour.
I don't even have anything against you personally, and I actually enjoyed the q3 commentary I've heard from wheat, but your attitude is just overly tiresome in this thread as you constantly pump out your tofu scented farts while getting mildly intoxicated on the smell of them.
Moral of the story: if you and wheat don't like ESR nobody is holding a gun to your head so GTFO and live your rainbow filled lives elsewhere full of sunshine and hugs from all the rest of the esports community who apparently love and adore you so much.
* Awaiting the psych report on why my mother not hugging me enough as a child led me to write this post. *
You guys can't take reverse trolling and it's cute. You can leave if you don't like it as well. We post because you are the ones that read them YAAAaaaaaaaa know.
Im not trying to change anyone as that's impossible. Nor would I want to. It is way too much fun to watch everyone's 'little me' come out to play occasionally.
The difference in you and others is that they don't have to come to this site OR comment. And most don't, as we only see a few peeps names always on here spouting broken records, saying same things over and over. This isn't really a community on ESR. It's a place for news. It would survive even without commenting. You may not however.
The site is an esports hub. So news goes on here and we can say whatever we want, like you, about anything including your bitching. And you will keep on coming back to bitch another day and try to be right and the tough guy. You all hate esports, you bitch about esports, but you keep coming back to an esports site. It's great.
You guys might love esports more than most, believe it or not. You all use ALOT of effort to explain things and read everything. When occasional visitors like myself just browse the headlines without much commenting or reading of commenting. This post was different because egging you kids on is quite humourous. My hat goes out to WHEAT for that.
We know you love us all. You can just admit it ya know. And you LOVE esports. You want it to last because if it didn't, you wouldn't have this site to come and be someone on. ;)
Edited by Streetrunner at 10:22 CDT, 9 October 2009
The funniest thing is, that you call ini a troll. I guess, it's because you want him to be one.
He brings valuable points to a discussion, that's been sparked by wheat himself. He called the people, who criticize the questions he asks, trolls. It's not the other way around.
This e-sports thing happened while I was absent, 2001-2006-ish. It seems a few people made some comparably good money and a lot of people got to go abroad to play a game they liked. Thats all well and good I suppose.
But from my perspective it looks like this, qw/q2 was never about e-sports - both still have a fairly active scene that still plays TDM. Q3 got e-sported and the games popularity seem to have gone down at the same rate as the interest for 1on1 have gone up. Anyway, I just got more work so this will be no essay on why I feel like a fool for getting my hopes up for QL.
Also, I would never visit this site if it wasnt for the comments, best entertainment I can find on the internet. The ' news' part of the site is merely topics for discussion. And thanks to your condescending tone the discussion around you is somewhat hostile.
I read the results and the headlines. I prefer the off topic stuff really, but that section have been really slow lately. Need more Vedic vs Becks 9/11 threads. Im surprised theres been no Obama flaming today, but maybe the Nobel prize is only big in Sweden?
Actually you do not seem to get it at all! This is a community mostly consisting of old school fps gamers. Its main content is the contribution of comments added to news from those community members aside from the discussions in the forums. Compared to all other sites you have a lot of knowledgeable people from very different industries with a common shared interest and past in fps games.
We have seen a lot of people come and especially go. There is an important asset called experience as with most things this is nothing you can do by following a simple pattern. yes there is this famous "just do it!" principle but experience would help you not to be added to the list of people who wanted to start big, failed often, and kind of left early as they underestimated most of the variables which should have been taken into account from the very beginning.
So far you definitely are in the category of people who wanted to start big, failed to follow up on the initial announcement, and is now starting very very small and earning your first experience which is just what you should have been doing at the very beginning instead of running that initial announcement. It is still open though whether you are a dreamer, imposter, or a guy who can get things done.
So far we just know you have been a roommate of Fatality, were writing and taking pictures for this progamer magazine, and what else did you do? Anything which involved a lot of people and you were in charge of something important or heading a successful project? Who is on your team and has experience in the areas of expertise you do not cover with your own skills? Anyone with a decent amount of industry experience involved in the project? What makes you think you and your team have what it takes to achieve which goals (long and short term)?
So far the stuff you put out did not impress anyone as you might have noticed ..
yeah, having discussions about physics or asking about travel advice on the forum and receiving many serious answers, really is the sign of a news-only site. Not of a community.
Oh ait, were you just reverse-reverse trolling, so the first replies were serious and only that last comment was trolling? Cause its content sure looks like it. is a community driven website targeted at online and multiplayer computer gamers, although the subject matter can and often does diverge from computers and gaming. The premise of this site is that some of the most up-to-date and useful content comes from the community itself, rather than journalists. To that end all users of this website are encouraged to post content in all sections. Quality control is implemented by allowing trusted users and admins to highlight the more worthwhile content for higher priority viewing. Admins may also edit highlighted posts as needed.
We believe that providing tools like this website will allow the online gaming and competitive gaming to grow more rapidly, and therefore expand the concepts of 'ESports' (computer gaming as a sport). is currently run by Sujoy Roy ( ) although a vast majority of the content is created directly from the ESports community.
ESReality has been running for six years now, since the original website ( started by pro-gaming pioneers Sujoy Roy, Harvey Migotti and Amir Haleem.
Edited by iniiiiiiii at 12:04 CDT, 13 October 2009
Yeah good analysis: we're "lucky" that Sujoy created the site to basically be like this 6 years before you even made an account.
Please continue lecturing us about what this site is about/meant to be about bearing in mind most of the "trolls" you're referring to were either admins, contributers or core conversation pieces for years before you ever even knew the site existed.
I actually have now idea why you don't just say something like:
"Yes, I am acting like the internet tough guy, just like you are. Except I got an entire show to do it and you just have some little comment. How do you like that?"
Not taking any sides here, but it looks like the only reason he commented and didn't put it in the actualy post was because he wanted that to be sort of highlighted and so that people take notice of it.
iniiiiiii, stop with the conspiracy theories.
wheat, may have came a little bit too strong by making a special comment there, but it's for good intention you could've expected someone to reply to you there anyways.
will you really ask those or just do the same stuff you basically did with carmac during the angel munoz interview? if you listen to that show again you had him ask his question, munoz was blablabla but did not answer it but you asked for the next question and later dissed carmac for asking those questions. i mean there are quite a lot of critical things if you look how agp was announced, and what it ends up being now.
as carmac is not doing this kind of work anymore we basically get these kind of interviews:
interviewer: please tell us how great you are
interviewee: yes we are
interviewer: awesome
interviewee: indeed
interviewer: so this is going to change the world
interviewee: yes, world domination is close but I cannot talk about it yet
interviewer: I knew you were close
interviewee: wait for the next press release with further information
interviewer: thanks for coming out to my show
interviewee: thanks for having me!
i can´t wait and am totally thrilled already (hope there is going to be a transcript later)
yeah, history doesn't work too much in the favour of tough questioner, talking about the credibility
and that emailing stuff is like sending your opinion in the black cosmos, you don't even know if someone is really listening to your opinion and if someone read it, it mean it is readed by one person, instead a few or hundred people, so the quality of selection is lower, depending on the subjectivity of the reader
I never trust on "send us emails and we'll figure it out which are good and which not", us meaning "me" (mini-me)
I'm enjoying the SF4 coverage so far (it's a lot better than the other sf4 podcast's). But please mention to Gootecks that he needs to eliminate his filler words when speaking :)
Ask them what their gameplan is and why it would be more successfull than the CPL's. It is really hard to put on a show for the mass public when the spectators don't know or couldn't care less about the game being played. In Korea it works because most people know and have played SC, but in America the most popular game is Halo (don't get me started). I can't see the AGP being much more than an organizer for tourneys amongst a limited community. We are lucky they decided not to charge us.
I didn't say the CPL was succesful. They failed for obvious reasons. I was wondering if the AGP had a plan to avoid the CPL's mistakes . You have no certainty the AGP will be "sticking with one game" in the long run, so don't buy that diamond ring. :P
Holy shit, I never realised wheat had such a strong following. ini said one thing (which by the way, I was thinking too when I read the comment, just saying) and the thousand nations of the wheatian empire descended upon him.
Dird, I want to teach you something since you bring up Pro Gam3r Magazine so often regarding me:
I WORKED for Pro Gam3r Magazine and the website GamingJunky. I worked for them. It wasn't mine. They paid me to do what job they asked. I had alot of jobs for it. That is it. The company had other projects that had been working for over 3 years before I came to the company and they didn't finish in time for the investors. So they pulled out. The magazine had a 3+ year plan so obviously it didn't make it because the bulk of the money coming in was for the other projects.
So seriously, you can keep calling it my magazine, but it wasn't. It never was. And it really didn't fail. It was going well when the mula was turned off. Can you accept that?
You really don't understand that business it seems. Nonetheless I was simply an employee, getting paid to travel around the world and write and take pictures. Could be worse. The money the mag was making wasn't enough to hold up the entire magazine staff, printing, expenses and 3 other projects that were much bigger. We only did 2 magazines. And it was an additional thing to the other projects I wasn't involved in.
You can hate me all day iniiii, I'm fine with you knowing me and not knowing yourself. Continue on with your identity problems. One day you will realize there are arguments, and then their are personal attacks. One is where trolls reside, because issues that are argued are about the issues, nothing else. They don't include calling people names or personally attacking them. That goes for all of you boy wonders that don't act like this in real life. There is a reason you don't act like that in real life.
I don't know you, I've never met you. Wheat started with the personal attacks, if he can't take them back then he really has no business handing them out in the first place.
I'm glad we got to the bottom of the magazine not doing well enough to justify being continued though.
Using your defense, Angel Munoz could stand in your place and claim that he only destroyed nearly all credibility of the Quake scene because he wanted to make a quick buck. If you actually cared about the future of Quake, you'd care about who puts your name on a product. Instead of taking responsibility for your failure, you even do the exact same thing as Munoz, and blame someone else.
You only participate in such projects in hopes that it fills in the huge gaps in your resume. You're hoping that you might be lucky enough to have a big part in the industry if everything manages to boom, so you want to be able to somehow take credit for all the things that brought it about, without taking any of the responsibility for the TERRIBLE decisions.
Someone works a job for the income, not because of the good nature. Someone works at Pepsi because they're hiring, and they want a job there. If it turns out Pepsis is run by nazis, and they didn't know, why guilt by association?
If you applied at a place without doing the research, what are you defending? If you're just working for income, what are you defending? You're trying to defend the position by saying "I WAS A MINDLESS DRONE", as if this would be any reason to trust you in a position in any other sort of business.
Claiming ignorance isn't something to put on your resume.
You apply for a job at Cisco or HP because the position is available. If you're a network engineer, and the only open position for that in Toronto is at HP, but the lead HP management are racist, do you apply?
You don't just sit there and not apply for a job and stay unemployed because that business has different views. You're moronic to sit there and do NOTHING because you want something to 'defend'. If that's all you can apply for, you fucking apply. No ones head is thst far up their asses.
What if you don't know HP management was racist? And after working it's found that they were 100% racist?
My point is that lower level employment has ZERO control over management, and isn't to be blamed for anything done by the company. Guilt by association isn't a good thing.
Again, you try to act as if ignorance is somehow an excuse. It isn't. If YOU do something wrong while employed, you represent the company. Just as well, if the company does something wrong while YOU are employed, you take the blame just the same.
If you just want money, there are much better offers out there than the likes of that magazine. Since you seem to subscribe to this flawed mentality, why are you playing Quake instead of CS, DOTA, SC, or WoW? All of these things offer exponentially better pay, bigger communities, and more activity.
So which is it? Are you a hypocrite, a troll, or just wrong?
I play Quake because I LIKE it better than CS, DOTA, SC, and WoW. Much like I would work a systems technician job than a network engineer job, because I LIKE one over the other. Your analogy doesn't work in this case. Someone wanted to write QUAKE articles, and do information on QUAKE, because that's what that person likes.
So if Pepsi kills slaves on tuesdays, and I work customer service, I hold some responsibility? Are you even reading what you're saying? It's fucking stupid for me to keep arguing this, because you don't fucking get it.
It's not about the money, it's about the employment. Sometimes you can't get what you want in a career, so you get what you'd prefer. Some people are in it for the money, others are in it for the job.
Also, I'm not ANYTHING like you've mentioned. It's been shown time and time again that you keep trolling this site over and over with ridiculous opinions that no one could POSSIBLY have.
I play Quake because I LIKE it better than CS, DOTA, SC, and WoW. Much like I would work a systems technician job than a network engineer job, because I LIKE one over the other. Your analogy doesn't work in this case. Someone wanted to write QUAKE articles, and do information on QUAKE, because that's what that person likes.
What does it matter if you like it more? You obviously don't care about the details - only the end result.
So if Pepsi kills slaves on tuesdays, and I work customer service, I hold some responsibility? Are you even reading what you're saying? It's fucking stupid for me to keep arguing this, because you don't fucking get it.
Such a childish inability to comprehend the situation. How much more simple of an example can I possibly make? How about taking part in an assembly line for bombs that will be used to kill people?
It's not about the money, it's about the employment. Sometimes you can't get what you want in a career, so you get what you'd prefer. Some people are in it for the money, others are in it for the job.
Don't ask, don't tell? All works out so long as you get what you want? Again, you're a whore. You can try to justify it or feign ignorance all you want, but it doesn't change who you are.
Also, I'm not ANYTHING like you've mentioned. It's been shown time and time again that you keep trolling this site over and over with ridiculous opinions that no one could POSSIBLY have.
Negro, please. All you've shown is that you're either a troll who likes to act stupid, or that you're so incredibly stupid that it's impossible to tell. Potentially... a third option? I'm beginning to wonder what ties YOU have to these ventures, since you have always defended them vehemently, and you have proven that you only care about advancement and payoff. Your blind (or paid?) support for anything Quake-related is not helping, or wanted.
Be honest - any idiot could tell that a "pro gaming" magazine would fail hard. Failing hurts future sponsorship, and hurts the morale of the players who are trying to support the community. Would you want your name tied to another failure in the long list of failures in Quake history? How about the holocaust? Even as a non-participant in killing or hurting people, do you really think that you wouldn't deserve such judgement?
Anything that will help bring back the kind of competition e-sports had back in the 1999-2002 era is awesome in my mind. Since then e-sports has dumbed down in skill potential and followed FPS console games ( MOUSE > * ) or MMOs just because the games own player-base supports its viewers.
From an FPS gaming view, entertaining & impressing the FPS gaming community with games that have huge skill potential should always be the #1 priority to me. I don't care what kind of gamer you are, you will always enjoy and be impressed by a close Q3/QLive pro match.
Don't get me wrong though, I'm not trying to say console games or MMOs shouldn't be apart of e-sports at all, but I think its a problem when the current player-base of a game is the main reason its apart of the e-sport community.
P.S. - I've just started following ESR, and this place is as bad as the WoW forums with replies :P
I think that this whole thread got a bit out of hand, unnecessarily. First, I changed it a little bit as walle will be a guest, and not gootecks, and also listed our topics of discussion. Furthermore, just email wheat's address with any questions, and we'll add them to our list of questions. I will make sure it's a good interview.
tbh happens on a regular basis on this site, the other day I clicked on the dubai world championship news item and before I knew it I was reading comments about sluts and Liam. Real nasty stuff :-(
Ah, FFS! First hit on the search on your name is my journal about my wierd ass dream about you. =( Why would you want to remind me of that Google, why?!
lol, Jarod does not like many of the questions (at least answering them)
Best example: asking why the fees were not provided with the announcement. Interviewer implied: "This is kind of weird that you have to dig this information on the page comments".
Jarod's answer: "Yeah..., it is kinda weird.... <silence>"
Well, I'm not dissing Jarod. The conversation became much better at the end. There were just a lot of moments when you were able to sense something like "man, Jarod does not seem to actually want to be in the interview right now".
This has got to be the biggest heckle-fest ever in Esports history. So many people trying to scapegoat Jarod, really really sad to see - Everyone wants to point the finger at someone and say "He's whats wrong with gaming!"
From this thread alone I can say without a doubt that it is You that is wrong with gaming. You who only insult, and rip down, and destroy but add nothing of your own for a solution. It is You that are holding yourselves back. Time to grow up and take some accountability, Your world is what You Make It.
Don't be mad at Jarod for trying to make it better for You.
hes getting heckled more or less because he deserves it. ur talking like u know hes some sort of esports messiah who has a solid plan for how to take quake big. so far his net accomplishments are uploading some youtube videos. which is nice but isnt exactly earth shaking.
just listened to the looooooooooooong ass podcast and really at the end of it the only additional information about agp we have is that he felt bad about players getting dicked around by gaming organizations and wanted to set up a players association. was kinda surprised they didnt follow up on that and ask him exactly what his plans for the association are and just how precisely he expects it to promote the game.
also the most intelligent and relevant question, which incidentally was the esr one, essentially went unanswered because he just mumbled on about how the agp is different from the agptour and he felt he needed no particular qualification for being the person to start the association when the question was clearly more about the tournaments and the fee structure etc.
gj scoots on the ggl follow up. surprised that jarod was so vague about his answers regarding that. i mean if ggl is going to be the first organization to have events "sanctioned" by the agp, then shouldnt he be more worried about their reputation than just saying o well i dont really believe they owe that guy money and ill deal with it when i have to?
anyways i guess like most people here im skeptical of these kind of "do-gooder" plans and nothing about this one has convinced me otherwise. we'll just have to wait and see how far it goes.
I don't know, I'm Swedish.. so my english sounds all funny when I talk.
TBH it would be just too cliche allowing all the americans on here to make fun of another euro that can't speak the language.
wow someone got defensive quick!
not to make fun of you or anything but, who gives a shit about someone that can or can't speak swedish? silly stockholmer!