Event: DHW09
Today all of the players that's going to have the opportunity to play Quake Live at Dreamhack got accepted into the tournament site.32 players, most of them picked by performance of LAN and online tournaments but also a few that comes directly from the Dreamhack Qualifiers for Quake Live in Portugal, Serbia and South Africa.
These signups is not in any particular order.
If any players from this list should drop out the players from the waiting list will be added. We'll use the "First signed, first served" method, so those who signed up first will be the first ones to get into the tournament from the waiting list.
The full list, rules and prices can be found at Dreamhacks E-sport site.
Yes, cooller is signed and accepted into the tournament! :D
Source: Blaze in the comments section
Edited by becks at 10:06 CDT, 29 October 2009 - 81004 Hits