Angel Munoz is a man that needs little introduction. He founded one of the biggest eSport event circuits (CPL), which lasted for a little over a decade before shutting down and bought by outside investors in 2008. For his work in eSports, Angel Munoz has often been considered the "father of eSports", but he is not without his controversy.
As everyone knows, you sold the CPL to an investment group from the United Arab Emirates in 2008, are you still involved with CPL operations or perhaps consulting? Is it still the same people running the CPL but under new ownership or has that changed?
Angel Munoz: The original plan was for me to be on the Board of Directors and for my company (NewWorld.com) to retain a 10% interest in the new CPL, but that did not work out. So now that CPL has moved its main operations to Asia, I will no longer retain my board chair or have any interest in the CPL. The new CPL has excellent management, advisors and partners, and honestly no longer need me to agree or disagree with their plans.
The full interview can be found on mylgn.com.
Edited by Nukm at 19:00 CDT, 28 October 2009 - 16462 Hits
majored for potential intellectual discussion