The engine is good. Its the different studios thats been using it that didn't create decent games with it.
I'm hoping some people will pickup the engine and create maybe a decent wolfenstein game? a new CS? a new tribes? Maybe a new quake game with best from all quake games?
I have no idea. Because they didn't want it? Because they wanted to change the movement from previous releases?
Once u got an engine, you can change ANYTHING you want when it comes to movement. Only limitation is the limits set by the engine (polygons, megatextures(lol), etc...
but seeing that not one of the idtech4 games had comparable movement (well maybe q4 later on) to idtech3, despite being made by different teams tells me it's highly likely that there were some internal restrictions.
Maybe it could be done with ut3 engine, maybe not. But tbh after initial ET, ET:QW and the new Wolfenstein I'd rather not risk rtcw being butchered again :(
q4 had the exact same movement q3 had when it was released + the sliding
(the reason it felt/looked slower/different was only because of viewheight and general height differences compared to q3)
it did in the mod (don't remember who made it) which lowered the viewheight to how it was in q3, the levels obviously looked over sized then but the movement felt like in q3
Na, the viewheight isn't the main reason (although it has a small part to play). IMO the main reason is that Q4 implicitly fixed the same FPS dependence bug in Q3 that makes people like OSP more than CPMA. Q4 ofc didnt have the FPS dependence, and neither did they adjust the accelleration values to make it feel more like Q3. That is why the tweaked accelleration in 1.3 and later that makes Q4 feel more "right".
When i said q3, i was talking about cpma vq3, so that pretty much had no influence at all. The main difference for why the movement felt different / slow was the viewheight and the whole games scaling.
I also hated q4 after 1.2 cause the strafejump speed just didn't feel right to me anymore.
They just copied the physics code pretty much directly from Q3 on the assumption that Q3 was what people wanted, but they don't round the velocity to an integer every frame, hence no accumulating rounding error (and if they had done that, the 62.5fps framerate cap would probably have made it feel bad anyway).