what truelightning does z4muz use online? I read that everyone should use tl 1 due to client side hits or something, but seems most pro configs have 0.8 and the like?
well..coollers cfg is pretty much a mess of cpma/ql by the look of it
theres 0,8 near the beginning and then:
---[]-CPMA Settings-[]----
seta cg_truelightning "1"
i know but i assumed they didnt change their tl values just because of dubai
+ see the thread, its pretty much pointless in ql due to netcode etc. improvements
yeah ql is totally different when it comes to truelightning, i mentioned this a long time ago. playing q3 with truelightning 1 on 40 ping was basically shooting blanks. but ql with truelightning 1 does a lot of damage just by following the beam image.
which was theoretically the same thing but for some reason not as efficient.
tbh i thought everyone used truelightning0 with xerp, cause it made it so much easier to aim with. can't believe the idiots who fail to notice how the beam was MUCH easier to control with xerp1 on tl0. placebo my ass.
p.s. one could begin a multi-thread discussion about why z4muz's demos are so fun to watch, but to toss out a single factor: he's got so much hardcore lan/tourney experience that he can confidently rj or attack with little health if he thinks there's an amazing shot to line up...and usually he's right.
Edited by evilbollweevil at 19:03 CST, 10 November 2009
some time ago a good friend of mine had a few games vs zam. he managed to beat zam on dm6 and so he admitted that he hates the map (which i find sympathic).
my buddy then told him that he still had the demos from qcon 2k3 final vs zero4 on his hdd where he just got the total package.
and as response zam said hes feelin honored that some1s still having those kinda things in mind
zamuz is just full of win!