Right i was playing risen and it crashed ingame corupting my windows system files, I couldn't restore therefore I formatted and installed windows again. I installed windows vista again but it kept crashing so I went to install windows 7. The problem now is ive formatted everything and I get a blue screen page fault in none paged area. It will not boot off a cd in safe mode as when the windows loading bar completes its crashes, ive run memtest for my ram its fine. The hard drive displays data in my asus ez flash so i know its not that, so it must either be a completely fucked cmos, motherboard cpu or gpu. Any ideas incase its none of these, ive just flashed my bios to the latest beta as well to no avail.
The error code is for any of you techies.

stop 0x00000050 (0x80000004, 0x00000000, 0x8c488ebd, 0x00000000)

q6600 cpu
gtx 8800 g card
asus p5k deluxe wifi ap motherboard
OCZ ram