The last couple of books were more of a setup I guess, although, half this book is pretty much pure setup for the next book I guess :)
I enjoyed the book, but anything Seanchan until Tuon kneels is pretty boring. Someone should just tell them Ishmael wrote their prophecies and be done with it ;)
Some good moments in the book though, really liked the Rand - Moridin conversation.
Oh, and its good to have 0 Elayne in this book, could probably have dont with less Gawyn as well - he better be under compulsion to explain that stubborn Rand hatred of his.
Gawyn has been a prick throughout the entire series, but they've gotta have some characters like that I suppose. You're right, no Elayne and I don't care :) Could do with more Mat though, you just know loads of awesome is on the way :D
Next book will probably be heavy on Mat since he has to rescue Moiraine, do Verins task and probably have some face time with Tuon, not to mention those dragons and setting up for the Last Battle... Should be great.
Having Moiraine back should be $$$ too.
Perrin will probably continue to be pretty zzz, but Rands body breaking down further and him figuering out how to seal the bore will probably be sweet stuff too. Lots to look forward too really :)