The AGP Classics Match of the Week presents Doom 3! During QuakeCon 2005, Fredrik "gopher" Quick faces off against Yang "RocketBoy" Meng, the CPL Winter Doom 3 champion. Gopher is from the famous TDM Quake 3 team iCE cLIMBERs. This is the consolation finals after Gopher won the first map on DM4, coming from the losers bracket. This game is on DM2, also known as Delta Labs.
I'm actually looking for that demo. Im REALLY looking for the Fatal1ty vs Daler demo of 2004. If anyone has this, it should be over a gig file (Doom 3 demos...), please contact me!
It'll be closer to 3-4 gig :(
They only "fixed" the demo size in later version (1.3) I think. But even then it was around a gig.
I had loads, but I literally deleted them because they were such a big storage investment. G0dm0de. He was actualyl 8-0 up against Gopher but choked bigtime.
Yeah, I forgot about that. He trained at my house, and he was pretty down about that. G0dmode was reallly good. Barely ever lost in practice if he did at all. But he had no tourney experience...
ESR has a set video size so it creates borders around the entire video. At least as far as I know. On YouTube they widescreen so there are usually borders on the sides of the videos, since youtube just changed their settings without having BOTH a 4:3 and 16:9, forcing all 4:3 vids to have side bars. HOWEVER, right now the only Classics we are doing in Widescreen is Quake Live as the other games create some problems (as well as widescreen didn't exist much for them). So, we just put the Classics logo and tournament logo there for now.
Next week I have quite the Q3 Classic. Stay tuned ;)
im not talking about the ratio. u added the 2 side black bars for the agp and the qcon logo. just overlay the logos on the video and use a proper ratio.
They should load right up, is it still giving you problems? In fact, we did a huge amount of tests in the past 2 weeks to stop the choppiness of the previous videos and the tests actually came out way better than we expected. They don't even need to be put in HD most of the time now and load in twice as fast as you can see here.
I just woke up...and missed it... funny. Hey I liked Doom 3 multiplayer. You are telling me you guys didn't like the additional option of hiding in the shadows and not being able ot win by more than 5-10 because of the speed? ;)
next time you do D3 demos, make sure you up the brightness/gamma a bit. these are SUPER dark. I know that's how the game is, but it's better when you can actually see some shit.
I remember you ragequitting and calling me a cheater in a GGL match. LOL! Then you got lucky and went up a frag on edge in a gotfrag match, and proceded to hide for 10 minutes. Hayday? really?
GM and Clamp were above everyone at that time TBH.
Its just that they were both had so little tourney expereince, I watched GM throw an 8-0 lead away vs gopher. And I mean throw. It was nerves and lack of high pressure expereince.
You can't really prepare for that unless you just turn up at lans and take the losses. Gopher and RB had been there and done it and that's what got them through.
In gophers defense, he only came back a few weeks before the tourney and lanned with slain3 and some guy from TRIAD a week or two before the tourney.
I knew all the players quite well at the time which wasn't hard because it was such a small pool of players.
I kinda miss that game a bit. It was flawed in many areas, but it did have its moments and the pace meant you could see people thinking and what they were doing or planned to do.
doom3 dm, my beloved chaingun, ohhhh
imo gopher won a lame map, when rocketboy was beating him on a very solid dm map, so rocketboy was the better player
d3 was the bomb. ridiculous amount of bugs and a huge pos graphics engine, but the game still managed to have fun and unique gameplay. I remember watching this game at qcon sitting at the ITG booth or w/e it was. Everyone was really into the match.
Doom 3 was/is badass. Game only had 5 dm maps but 3 outta 5 were good for 1v1, not bad. Plus punching people to steal their rocket launcher = win everytime. =p
If there is a way to show PK demos without the fps drop WITH brightskins, please tell me. Pm me, and tell me how. Cuz as I have found out, the demos run horribly, like unwatchable, and brightskins are not on, and cannot be. I'd love to show PK.
I wasnt saying it was because of the brights. Just that the brights are not there period, among the other issues. I don't mind the frame drop as long as the other things work. Videos can't be 125 fps anyways ;) well...usually
PLease pm me if you can confirm this, and the demos I'd wanmt are from cpl wt. If brights are on, then I can it will be awesome. I was infomred it wouldnt though.
i don't have pk installed anymore and cba to torrent the game to answer your question :/ but i do remember watching a ton of pk demos back in the day with a close-to-quake-config (brightskins/picmip/low detail everything/...).
I think Jebus was one of the top American players and he didn't lan or practice much and got top 8. Only lost to nomadic in the ggl ladder because of lag issue cratering on mega health. Lost in qcon not used to the new camp style of play and run away the whole match and some of the glitch hiding spots on maps.