Hello everyone!

Well, I just played a guy today with Stid_ and something special happened. That guy in the demo claimed that he could win the game only using the rails without RA, YA or MH on dm6. I was surprised because I know that impsy isn't very "good". Even if I'm new to quake, I've been playing for a few month and I know that he's not a "good average player"... So I said, duel me then. I came up loosing... But then, during my game I found that I was getting outaimed really easily by him, He seems to know where I was etc. Even at the end trying to hide for a few kills he found me EACH time. But luck could happen, but not so many times in a row. I play a few good players like stid_, cha0ticz, and I've never been out-LGed like this or out-smarted at that point... So I let you Judge if it's Skillz or Hack!

Skillz Or Hack???

P.S : I've sent an email to support@quakelive.com to see if they can do anything about it.

Or my demo of my point of view to see how I was playing against him in the attachment, watch both, you'll see how stack I was sometime but he could manage to easily hit the rails even If I was trying to get to him. He never missed 1 rail or atleast if he did, tahts because he was aiming the floor.......