naaa was electrocuted by Raist
naaa was electrocuted by Raist
naaa almost dodged Raist's rocket
naaa was electrocuted by Raist
naaa: :)
PunkBuster Client: Master Query Sent to (MASTER7.EVENBALANCE.COM)
naaa was electrocuted by Raist
naaa was railed by Raist
naaa was railed by Raist
naaa: fuck you
Raist: \o/
naaa was electrocuted by Raist
naaa: I meen
naaa: if I were warmed up
naaa: I would fucking own u
naaa: retarded whore
Raist: ololol
naaa: it's true
naaa was railed by Raist
naaa: I bet u joined a very difficult game
naaa: and now u think your soooo good
naaa: your not
naaa was electrocuted by Raist
naaa: your so fucking shit
Raist: didint check
naaa was gunned down by Raist
naaa: ye like all the other fucked up retards
naaa was electrocuted by Raist
naaa: yeye, gg
naaa: u won vs someone who weren't warmed up
naaa: gg
naaa: fucking retard
naaa disconnected
Game has been forfeited.
Raist: i am amazing like that
In all the years I played I have never witnessed so much rage before. Like seriously, I could feel the guys hate towards me seeping from the monitor. How do people rage so much in Quakelive?
I have seen rage before in q3 and before that but never this intense! Just wanted to share it lol.
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