Name: G.I. Jonesy
Posts: 2441
Posts: 2441
CTF with only one flag; why use only one? Imagine the game with only one flag. The flagstand is in the middle of the map; you cap in your opponents base, like any number of different sports (hockey, football, soccer, rugby, basketball, so on and etc.). When you drop the flag, anyone can pick it up and continue moving it around. The flag only returns to the stand if it falls into a pit, or gets capped, or has been on the ground for too long.
With two-flag CTF, teams will often get a flag and camp inside their base. With one-flag and cap in your opponents base, it would be dangerous to camp in your base. If you were killed, the opposing team could pick up the flag close to the capture point.
Instead of some people on offense and some on defense, everyone would do both. Because there is only one-flag, there is no need to defend your base when your team securely holds the flag. In this way, it would be similar to basketball.
Instead of audiences switching back and forth between flag-carriers and teams, the focal-point would always be on the flag.
Single-flag CTF does, to a large degree, resemble any number of professional sports. Not in a simulated way either. It is challenging, and full of depth, skill and strategy. Maybe I could make games and get rich, but some games should not belong to anyone. Imagine if someone owned soccer. You'd have to pay some dickhead just to play a game in your backyard.
What do you think? Single-flag CTF is definitely an esport, but is it a good esport? Could it be used professionally? Would it be preferable to two-flag CTF? Do you have any ideas for esports? Something new, something different, something we could use?
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