Dear ladies and gentlemen, we bring to your attention an epic logo contest for a Russian Quake3 movie “34” (“3ulu4”). The action of the movie revolves around certain 34 (3ulu4), being the main character’s nickname. The genera could be described as a full-length mashinima/frag film with today’s russian pro-quakers for main participants. The project promises to be quite full of content, interesting, pioneering and vivid. Inquietudes are to be mixed with a bad-assed action seasoned with infinite irony.

The logo has to comprise text – 34 (or 3ulu4 (spelled like Zilich)), it’s allowed to use some sign.

3ulu4: “Logo is one of the basic factors in creating a platform from which to depart later on. In order for you to be aware what the ultimate logo should look like and refer to (both emotionally and logically), we provide a few examples. Each symbol is about some unique and at the same time universal idea, hence while realization it’s utterly important to concentrate your attention on “why is it this way?”. It’s obligatory that the conception of works sent is explained in detail. The future logo is to accumulate all above-mentioned facts about the movie and convey the spirit of uncompromising struggle at Quake3 arenas. In other words, having seen it, the audience should find themselves in front of an enormous “rabbit hole” entering which promises an unforgettable journey into a Wonderland”
Morgot: “Do your best to create a unique logo, without attempts to stylize it to something already existing. Mind readability. There is neither style nor color preference. Oh yeah, was very near to forgot about the main thing – there is no spoon either.

Dates: Dec 15 2009 – Jan 15 2010.

Prize: 100 Euro, an interview with the winner and your nickname for movie credits.

Sent-to: (with title “Logo for 34”). Don’t forget to mention your nick and country.

Jugdes: 3ulu4, Morgot.

The works will be posted @ ( as we receive them. The number of works per contestant is not limited, although it’s best to send 1-2 quality logos rather than flooding us with shitloads.

- contestants send .jpg versions with commentary.
- images may be performed in any style (raster, vector, paints, felttip pens, pencils etc.)
- it’s desirable for the contestant to have vector of his work, but it’s not obligatory.

Good luck all!