Hiya guys,
I've had a terrible christmas - been poorly and then had my car stolen on boxing day :/ I'm stuck at home with only my computer and Quakelive to keep me occupied.
Has anyone got any recent pro qlconfigs for me to mess around with for something to do?
Dahang, Cooller, Av3k, Strenx, Guard, Rapha - any of these would be really nice. Thanks
I've had a terrible christmas - been poorly and then had my car stolen on boxing day :/ I'm stuck at home with only my computer and Quakelive to keep me occupied.
Has anyone got any recent pro qlconfigs for me to mess around with for something to do?
Dahang, Cooller, Av3k, Strenx, Guard, Rapha - any of these would be really nice. Thanks
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