Quake Live TDM 4v4
Quake Live CTF 4v4
Quake Live CA 5v5
TDM maps: qzdm6, qzdm7, qzdm14, qzdm20
CTF maps: qzctf2, qzctf3, qzctf7, qzctf8, qzctf10
CA maps: qzdm6, qzdm20, qzca1, qzca2, qzca3
About questions adding ql guid/id`s ask on quakenet. After adding all guid´s a league admin will control the profile so this can take a little while. When signups are closed the groups will be built and playing starts on 24th on january, exact date will be announced.
TDM Premiereship matches will be played every sunday at 15:00 CDT and Holysh1t TV will broadcast some of the matches.
Draft groups are online
Quake Live TDM 4v4
Quake Live CTF 4v4
Quake Live CA 5v5 - to be announced
Links: kuh3liga.eu -

Edited by Badb0y at 14:55 CST, 15 January 2010 - 9019 Hits