Wow, took a while for someone to take the bait on this one. I was referring to the boring gameplay, involving mainly shaft and rail.
And don't come with your "LOLZ BUT IN GAME XYZ CZM KILLED COLLER WITH A ROKKIT!!!11". It's about the overall dynamic. You couldn't win that map without copious amounts of hitscan.
Anyways non-rl is maybe a bit weird. dm6 really isn't fantastic.
T9 and dm13 are fine maps. I really don't understand what's wrong with them. Maybe dm13 is a bit easy to run away, but looking at spartie vs noctis yesterday. Spartie leading 7-0. Noctis coming back in 4-5 minutes to 7-6, but ' fucking' up to tie the game. Not really fucking up, but he could've tied it up.
t7 is a nice map, it's just that it's one of the hardest map to play. Finally, somethingrefreshing, I mean, I don't remember any maps of this style... So yes, people aren't really familiar with t7, but they just need to be less lazy and start to practice the map hard.
t9 is pretty funny, I've never seen so much plasma & rocket spam before tbh, and those teleports are far from the hub's teleports "quality". Ok, it's 2 different maps, but still, the "flow" @ hub is so much better (maybe cuz there's also a rail, dunno). Not to mention the telecamp. Overall it's a pretty boring map with nothing really interesting. And the map looks bad imo, t7/ztn/hub are so much sexier...
dm13 is the same old boring "q3 2000-2002" duel map. The map is too tight, too campy and I liked nodm9 better. It's also one of the hardest map to comeback, so let's say the opponent has 5 frags leads @ 6-7mn, hf trying to make a comeback...
What the fuck was Cooller doing on dm13? It's like he went into full-on retard mode. I mean, i know he does those ridiculous rushes and tends to lose frags by the tonne when things aren't going his way, but that was fucking lol.
80% of TDM players don't like dm13 and t9. This maps is good for duel player, also this maps good for +back players. (t9 is arcade map, right, but u can play it +def easy). All you can do is stupid trolling. I know many players who don't play QL cos of mappool. Also i know some TDM players who don't play duel tours cos dm13 and t9 is boring for them.