I saw Stermy play today and he was really sharp.
I still say the lessons are a bit of a waste because if you're good enough to TRULY benefit from his talaent then the top players will want to play you anyway.
its kinda like a formula that doesn't really work beyond fan boys wanting to play him. But I like Stermy, so if you're really insecure about your game and what to do, and want the assurance of a pro, he's probably worth consdiering.
Sometimes you only really learn something when someone you respect tells you it, otherwise you can go on making the same mistakes.
I might book and hour or so with him as I would like to play SF4, trackmania and Quakelive at ESWC qualifiers and show a little of this all round talent I keep referring to.
I don't have time/effort to play qlive, but a hour or two of getting owned would probably be worth the money to get in as good as shape as I possibly can, which isn't that great given huge lapses of inactivity and map knowledge.
Not really. Just unlucky in various parts of all the maps and Strenx fluked out in some places. Very close game. I'd still say that lessons from Stermy would be interesting. Lessons from Strenx really wouldn't... Lets be honest :P