Limkis is a fucking genius mate.. and you're doing the backwards fallacy. just because she uses a particular technology, and has a cartoonish and colorful style doesn't make her any less of an artist.
It's like when people listen to certain kinds of electronic music, they think that the use of these kinds of effects doesn't require as much talent (or they can't tell the difference between the talented and not). It's like the time i showed my brother some japanese techno-ish music, and he pre-judged it because it sounded like the typical talentless trance/techno we find here in Norway.. the sound-type was the same, but the context was completely different; so it took a while before he could see through his stereotype.
And she's about my age.. 22 years old. Some of these works almost even has the wink of "i'm still young, i can do *this*, and try *this* now etc".. But judge for yourself x)
and not in the sense of the art being telling of her young age; well, it is also telling of her young age. but the point was that she was aware of her age and her own future as an artist; the kind of rational plan that anyone with confidence has.. they will try things when they are young etc. then later will develop this or that, and maybe perfect etctec
(If this is "tl;dr" - just see the two posts below)
Our Daily Blood
Tabula Media Rasa
This is like the trinity of the modern age. And i mean the modern age as represented by a trend of thought. Not one i would necessarily (one i do in fact not) endorse. It would go along these lines..
Actually better represented in the other direction;
1. Tabula Media Rasa
2 Reality
2. Our Daily Blood
1. Overloaded with information and concepts so abstract most of them will never be experienced as they were when they were coined. We look at the tv; sweet colors and animals and places and faces and things happening detached from our own grey inert world. Comedy, drama, art - anything you want. This all mounts up to a contradiction and alianation, and a whole chaos in our mind. (and rodriguez is like therapy in this sense)
2. Playing along, we go with the game, immerse ourselves in virtual worlds, social worlds, fictive worlds, real worlds. The tubes, we make fun of them - we have to. We try to live life, but life is in the image of the tubes. We move through the life-rituals like the characters on the screen, or in the book, or from that place you now don't even remember. And the real home is virtual.
3. Addicted we follow our ecult. our eculture we joined involuntarily. we follow the norm - and even anons become hivemind. our inert reality wants drama injected. everything must press on through from the outside. joining a cause or other, we do so out of boredom, we want to be stimulated, pushed upon, made fun of or made scared - "anything is better than nothing"
In sum, they constitute the heart of useless postmodern whining.