The two time ESWC champion also offers his analysis of

The interview can be watched on SK Gaming.
Edited by xou at 16:54 CST, 18 February 2010 - 52344 Hits
No, it's not cheating. In poker for example it's called bluffing, where you might fold a good hand just to make your opponent bet higher in following rounds.
There's no problem in losing games for strategic or tactical reasons as long as all parties involved, players, betters etc, know that it can be done. It becomes cheating only if nobody could expect that you'd do, i.e. when you explicitly violate the rules.
And of course was it about eliminating z4. Which of course people would have preferred to see happening in a game. But cooller took the easy way. It's what people do wherever possible for natural reasons.
Regarding the "NBA teams have been accused of throwing
matches", of course you'll always see accusations. Because there's always a party that feels like being treated unfairly. And just like people grab any opportunity to win people will grab any opportunity to suggest that a win wasn't kosher, given the slightest possibility.
As to your tennis example, first off was the fine 7,500$. Second, bets had been running wild even before the game against the expected odds. Third, with this irregularity and suspicion of foul play in mind, has Labadze been warned during the game repeatedly to try harder while he visibly continued to play listless. And now compare that to our case. I'd say your example perfectly underscores all of what I said above.
Finally ethics. Imagine a ball of tennis pro player A being called out while player B actually sees the ball being in. Do you think he would inform the referee that he saw the ball being in if it was a critical situation in the game? In the vast majority of cases he wouldn't. Now, is that sportsmanship? No. But it's common and understandable behavior in professional sports. That why amateur sport is supposed to differ. While it not always does. And because it is as it is there are rules.